The day was beautiful for photographing vessel movements in the Strai area today.First up was the CSL Argosy departing the Martin Marietta Materials Porcupne Mtn Quarry dock at Aulds Cove bound for Port Manatee Fla. with about 60,000 metric tons of aggregate.
Pilot in Charge was Capt. Elias Dorey of West Arichat. he took it off the dock about 0830h. and steamed south keeping over to the M
ulgrave side.
At the same time Capt. Tony Pierce was bringing the bulk carrier Caroline Oldendorff in from Anchorage Foxtrot in Chedabucto Bay to the Quarry dock to be loaded. Both inbound and outbound passed port to port around checkpoint 8..
The tug Svitzer Bedford with Capt. Jean Gallant in charge was called upon to assist with the Caroline Oldendorffs' berthing and being the courteous man that he is Capt. Gallant waited until the pleasure yacht Perseverence II had safely passed by the tug base before proceeding out in the stream to await the incoming bulker.
Just before the Caroline Oldendorff docked the yacht bound for Quebec City transitted Canso Lock.
One of the happy looking passengers on the yacht even gave a nice wave to the intrepid photographers.
Out in Chedabucto bay the coal top-off operation with the Hermina and Csl Acadian will be done as the pilots have been firmed up for a 1930h departure to sea. Also inbound and expected is the cape size bulker KM Osaka ,the tanker Americas Spirit scheduled for Nustar Berth One and the Pacific Quartz is due at the south pilot station for approximately 0030 on the 21st possibly docking at Nustar Berth 2.