Well since our last utterances things(weather-wise) have been changing for the better and its sure to warm up us frozen souls living here and those seafaring folk who have to venture in our safe waters.
The bulk carrier Marto made a second trip to the NS Power coal dock to complete unloading its cargo.Their previous attempt was interupted with a spate of big winds,parted lines and quick trip to the outer anchorage.The good folk folk at Superport Marine Services of Port Hawkesbury retrieved the errant lines ,neatly folded and put them in order and delivered out to the ship at anchor where it was hoisted aboard much to the delight of the ships' crew and officers.
The Marto finally departed the NS Power coal dock shortly after 1200h on April the 2nd with APA pilot Tony Pierce directing lines and tug boats.Tugs assisting the manouver were the Svitzer Bedford with Tugmaster Vern Turple in the wheelhouse and the tug Point Valiant with Tugmaster Jerry Maltby on the controls.
Capt. Paul Ryan had command of the pilot vessel Strait Falcon which eventually retrieved pilot Pierce at the inner pilot station in Chedabucto Bay.
Also paying our area a visit was the cargo vessel Cos Prosperity which was neatly anchored in the Strait at the Pirate Harbour Anchorage from where it departed at about 1800h on the 2nd of April.APA pilot and port Hood native Evan MacDonald was pilot on board for the vessels departure.
The crude oil tanker NS Lotus was alongside the Nustar outside dock loading about 523,000 barrels of crude oil which was being sent to a refinery in Bayway New Jersey. APA pilot Tony Pierce was in charge of the undocking and and safe passage to the outer pilot station escorted by the tug Svitzer Bedford.
Presently alongside at the inside berth at Nustar in Point Tupper is the gasoline tanker Cartagena which tied up on Thursday morning the 3rd of April.APA pilot Scott macDonald was pilot in charge assisted by the tugs Svitzer Bedford with Tugmaster Vern Turple in control and the Point chebucto with Tugmaster Derek King on the controls.
Superport Marine Services linesboats Strait Rider and Strait Pilot were tasked to do the line handling .