At about 0400h this morning (the 27th) the Captain was talking to Canso traffic about having distress as all his lines had parted and they were adrift.The tugs normally based in Point Tupper had moved off their berths to go to Mulgrave and Port Hawkesbury and a very alert tugmaster heard the call,roused the other tugmasters n crews and in a very short span of time steamed at full speed to aid of the vessel and crew.
It is my understanding that the Marto was within 30 meters of the Nustar Dock when she fetched up on her anchor and the 3 highly skilled Tugmasters and their able crews can be VERY proud as they helped avert a disaster here in the Strait with their timely arrival.Well done All.
One a quieter note a couple of vessels paid calls to our area for AGM inspection before proceeding up the St. Lawrence.
The Berge Atlantic was anchored in Inhabitants Bay at India Anchorage and the Golden Ice sat in the middle of the Strait off Pirate Hbr.
Also visiting our area was the oil products tanker Miss Mariarosaria which tied up at the outside of the the Nustar dock.
The Harmen Oldendorff also called in with its partial cargo of coal to the NS Power dock then shifted up to the quarry dock in Aulds Cove .Weather of course hampered the loading of aggregates but is expected to resume one the high winds abate.
The Nordanhav has been alongside discharging cargo at Port Hawkesbury Papers' dock.At the time of writing it is my understanding that the Marto is headed to Chedabucto Bay escorted by the Point Chebucto to anchor .
The Ryan Leet which was based in Mulgrave is expected back in a few days after delivering the John1 to Argentia NL aided by the Atlantic Fir .The John 1 has a flooded engine room with between 7 to 9 meters of seawater due to a failed seachest.