Also loading product in our area was the Atlantic Huron which was taking on gypsum from the diminishing pile at the Point Tupper facility owned by Georgia-Pacific. It appears there may not be too many more loads and their mines have been closed for over a year and a half.
The ship has tentatively booked a pilot for 0200h on the 28th and will transit Canso Lock headed north.
the clay carrier Nordanhav sits at anchor off Pirate harbor awaiting dock space in Mulgrave .most likely its waiting for the Flintstone to get underway before they shift.
The Flintstone which is berthed at the Strait Superport Dock in Mulgrave was having some maintainence done while alongside.I spotted the dive vessel Service Leader on its starboard side and my sources tell me the divers were tending to matters in the Flintstones moonpool.
It appears that this vessel will be boarded tonight by a pilot and head to sea in the early hours of the 28th.Expected at the south pilot station and headed to the quarry will be the Caribe Pearl who's ships business is being handled by the folks from MontShip.