Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Latest addition to shrimp fleet in Arichat!!

New Brunswick shrimper Stelie arrived in Arichat  25 March to load her ice and head out fishing..

Saturday, March 23, 2013

A beautiful day to shipwatch...

   The sun rose in the East as expected and cast its benificent rays on a winter weary Strait of Canso and illuminated the docking of the of the 225 m x 32m bulk carrier Harmen Oldendorff at the Martin Marietta Loading Dock in Aulds Cove..The vessel had been at India Anchorage in Inhabitants Bay waiting for the Baldock to complete its loading and depart.
      The vessel will taking on about 48,00 tonnes of gravel for Charleston South Carolina
    The tugs Svitzer Bedford and Point Valiant rendezvoused with the bulker just abeam of the Venus Cove Park and took up positions along its port side.
      APA pilot Capt. Tony Pierce directed the docking operation from the bridge.The lines boat Water Buffalo skippered by Al Richard handled the bow and stern lines.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Vessel moves and weather delays

   A powerful early spring storm throughout the night of March 20th has hit Eastern Nova Scotia and has brought large vessel mobement to a standstill till the wind drops...The tanker Paramount Helsinki  departed the Nustar Dock with APA pilot Rick Hanlon onboard assisted by the tugs Svitzer Bedford with Capt. Jean Gallant at the helm and the Point Chebucto with Capt. Derek King at the controls.
        The self-unloading bulker Balder continued with unloading its cargo of coal for the NSPC Generating Station at Pt. Tupper.

     Another crude oil tanker the Australian Spirit was waiting at the Inhabitants Bay Anchorage with APA pilot capt. Elias Dorey  to bring it to the Nustar Dock .Also at anchor in Inhabitants Bay was the Harmen Oldendorff waiting for the Baldock to finish so it could go alongside to load.
    The Australian Spirit was turned off the Nustar Dock by the Svitzer tugs and tied up portside to for loading.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Coal and oil carriers in the Strait today

The crude oil tanker Paramount Helsinki was docked at the Nustar Ocean Berth one discharging its cargo and was expected to depart early morning of the 21st of March and the Australian Spirit will be docking shortly after to load some cargo.
    Over at the Nova Scotia Power Corp'n Coal Dock the bulk carrier Balder owned by Klaveness Shipping was discharging coal .The Balder is an infrequent visitor to the Strait area.

       Some of the local tugs shifted from their regular berths when the wind shifted and made it uncomfortable .

Monday, March 18, 2013

Tanker moves and windy weather.

The crude oill tanker Eagle Boston departed the Nustar Berth 2 about 1020hrs. this morning assisted by the tugs Svitzer Bedford and Point Chebucto..All 3 Svitzer tugs had been at the Strait Superport Dock in Mulgrave overnight due to the high winds which buffetted the Strait area..
    The bulk carrier Baldock was alongside the Martin Marietta Quarry Dock but it appeared to have stopped loading until the very high winds abated.
       The tanker SCF Baikal was next to depart the Nustar Berth one and was put to anchor just off the Port Hawkesbury Paper Mill by APA pilot Captain Mike Langdon.The SCF Baikal will have an underwater inspection done on its hull.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Fishing vessel Marc Andre Guillaume from Caraquet, NB is the last shrimper to leave on Tuesday for the fishing grounds.

Monday, March 11, 2013

It's Time for shrimps!!!!

All the New Brunswick fleet are getting ready for their first trips of the season.On Sunday the Lady Gloria & Luc Yves arrived at Arichat to ice up, fuel up& of course grub up.

Today it was the Marc Andre Guillaume & Dominic Francis turn to prepare. Lady Gloria & Luc Yves have left for the fishing grounds.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The tanker Flagship Orchids arrival..

The 74,594 dwt  crude oil tanker was brought into Nustar by APA pilot Capt'n Scott MacDonald and docked at Berth One assisted by the tug Svitzer Bedford handled by Capt'n Vernon Turple and the Point Chebucto under Capt'n Jeff Butler..

     Also in the Strait Pilotage Zone was the tanker Algonova which was in the anchorage at Inhabitants Bay.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Tankers on the move today.

The empty TK tanker Asian Spiit ,79,668 gwtdeparted the Nustar Ocean Berth One about 1255h this afternoon after discharging its cargo of crude oil..Sister tanker Australian Spirit 62213 gwt was inbound to the same dock..

The tugs Point Chebucto,Point Valiant and Svitzer Bedford  all assisted with the undocking of the Asian Spirit and then the point valiant was dispatched to Chedabucto Bay to assist the  Csl Acadian  mating up of the cape sized bulk carrier Cape Athea at  the outer anchorage to do a coal topoff.
      The Australian Spirit was turned in the stream and assisted to the Nustar Dock by the tugs Point Chebucto and Svitzer Bedford.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

New Tug

Superport Marine had their official naming ceremony for their newbuild tug "Strait Raven"last week.She is a very impressive looking tug!